Mr. Wheeley was an invited guest of
the College of Business Distinguished Lectures Series.
program provides students and faculty with an opportunity
to interact with prominent executives for an open exchange
of views on current issues. Through this vital program, executives
are brought into the classroom to offer students first-hand
information about the complexities of the business world,
while inspiring them to seek new ways to meet the challenges
of tomorrow.
Otto is graduate of the University of Tennessee and holds
a degree in Chemical Engineering along with 50+ years of experience
in the business community. He has served as a development
troubleshooter, district manager, sales manager, marketing
manager and VP, senior VP for marketing, long-range planning
and acquisition, while employed by Koppers Company, Inc. in
Pittsburgh, PA. He founded a venture capital activity within
Koppers in 1978 and served as its president and chairman.
Otto currently serves as General Partner of Venture First
Associates; advisory board member of Southern Baptist Theological
Seminary Foundation; University of Tennessee Development Council;
and is trustee of Belmont University. He previously served
as advisory board member of Columbia University Graduate School
of Business, Wake Forest University School of Business, Emory
University Candler School of Theology; as trustee of Alderson-Broaddus
College, Eastern College and Eastern Seminary; as adjunct
professor for Carnegie Mellon University Graduate School of
Industrial Administration; and a guest lecturer at Duquesne
University, University of Pittsburgh, and University of Tennessee.
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