George Washington University George Washington University Competition 2005

Team 2005
Norway 2006 Team Norway Competition 2006

Team 2006
George Washington 2006 Team George Washington University Competition 2006

Team 2006
GW Team 2007 George Washington University Competition 2007

Team 2007
GW Team 2008 George Washington University Competition 2008

Team 2008
GW Team 2009 George Washington University Competition 2009

Team 2009
TTU 2009 Team NIBS

Team 2009
IGPD Winners

Innovative Green Product Development

George Washington University Competition 2010

Team 2010
TTU 2010 Team NIBS

Team 2010
Denmark Competition 2010

Team 2010


Improving students’ critical thinking/real-world problem solving skills through the use
of active learning technologies is TTU's and the College of Business Quality Enhancement Plan initiative. Targeted emphasis areas include the following:

  • Improving students’ critical thinking/real-world problem solving skills with emphasis on communication skills.
  • Improving students’ critical thinking/real-world problem solving skills with emphasis on teamwork skills.
  • Improving students’ critical thinking/real-world problem solving skills with emphasis on creative thinking.

The vehicle for accomplishing this is the participation in global case competitions in which students test out their problem solving skills and analytical thinking against students in some of the best colleges in the world.

We welcome you to view the results of prior competitions and invite you back to see up and coming events.

Case Initiatives for 2014 

INNOVATION TO VALUE     COMPETITION.   May 2, 2014 8:00-8:00. 


Senior Engineering students work collaboratively with Business Students to create business plans to take their innovations to market.


Business activities such as strategic planning, cash flow management, value creation in product design, production scheduling, and profitability analysis will be incorporated into their planning process.

Junior Engineering students will compete in a Business simulation.

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Engineering students are working  collaboratively with Business Students to create business plans to take their innovations to market.


Business activities such as strategic planning, cash flow management, value creation in product design, production scheduling, and profitability analysis will be incorporated into their planning process.

College of Business and College of Engineering Innovation Collaboration Initiative      
Launch April 2014


Engineering students will work collaboratively with Business Students to create business plans to take their innovations to market.

Business activities such as strategic planning, cash flow management, value creation in product design, production scheduling, and profitability analysis will be incorporated into their planning process.

Be on the look-out for more information and updates.


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Critical Thinking Leadership Series