Innovative Green Product Development For Habitat |
Innovative Green Product Development for Habitat
This was a full cross-disciplinary, university wide thematic course where the students get a chance to be more than interns. It was open to any discipline and major at TTU through the Honors Program in support
of QEP Initiatives.
The overall objective of the course was to develop QEP skills in terms of critical thinking, creativity and
teamwork. It was a project based course involving the topics in 4M (Marketing, Management, Math and Manufacturing) and STEM.
This course was patterned after the show “The Apprentice” but no one was “fired”. First, the students were matched up into teams which contain at least one major from each discipline. Second, the teams
given the task to invent/design a new product which would be environmentally friendly, construct a
analysis of the product staying in line with the theme of environmentally friendly, and create a
plan for the product. Their client was Habitat for Humanity. The purpose was to link QEP
objectives, the community, and green technology. The task of the faculty was to instruct the students in
how to manage a team,
where to find necessary resources for research and development, and to keep
them on task.
Innovations Presentations:
