NIBS Case Competition 2009


TTU is First US Host for NIBS Competition

Tennessee Tech’s College of Business hosted the NIBS 2009 Case Study Competition in March. TTU has been a member of the Network of International Business Schools (NIBS) for 4 years.  NIBS is a group of business schools from around the world who believe that the internationalization of business and the globalization of the economy are essential elements in the evolution of managerial practices.

The case competition is held at a different member school each year. Last year, the competition was hosted by The Coventry University Business School in the UK. TTU has competed in the competition each year since becoming a member in 2004. 

The teams competing in the competition included teams from: Bishop’s University, Concordia University, and Memorial University all of Canada; Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland; Helsinki School of Economics, Finland;  Hogeschool Rotterdam of the Netherlands; International Business Academy, Denmark;  Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen and Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven both of Belgium;  and Tennessee Technological University.

The competition consists of teams responding to cases or business problems and offering ideas, feedback, and solutions. The teams have four hours to prepare their response for the cases with no outside help. The teams are judged by a panel that consists of business professionals and academic experts.  The winning teams then go on to a semi-final and final round of judging.

The teams and their coaches were in Cookeville for the competition the week of March 8th. While in Tennessee, the teams were treated to fine southern cuisine and sightseeing in Nashville.

TTU made the semi-final round of the competition and finished as one of the top four teams.

Team Members:

Alternate: Homer Britton

Daniel Gager

Jessica Dunlop

Patrick Hennion

Dustin Timblin


Preparing for the presentations:

TTU preparing TTU preparing Preparing


TTU Presenting

Awaiting Results:


Relaxing with New Friends:


TTU NIBS 2009 Official Site



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