I have prepared a set of very complete solutions to physics problems taken from popular textbooks for calculus-based physics. They are all in PDF format, so you need to have the Acrobat Reader installed on your machine (it is free... go get it!)
This is an ongoing project; some chapters are missing some important material. Much work remains to be done...Please send me an E-mail if you spot any errors!
"Chapter 0" for each volume just contains the cover, table of contents and introduction, for completeness. (The date on the cover serves as an edition number.) The other chapters have substance. Or so I claim.
1/08: Additions to Second-Semester Algebra based book.
I've begun work on the Algebra-Based Physics Study Guides. What I've got so far may be useful.
First Semester (Kinematics, Forces, Energy, Momentum, Rotations, etc.)
Second Semester. (Electricity, Electric Current, etc.)
Pre-Physics Book! [
PDF format ][ Postscript file, ZIP'd ]
This is a fast tutorial/review of scientific notation, scientific calculators, units and trig. Intended for people about to take non-calculus based physics.