Tablet Initiative
![Don Visco](images/Tableteers/tablet_Visco.jpg)
![Steve Canfield](images/Tableteers/tablet_Canfield.jpg)
![Susan Clark](images/Tableteers/tablet_Clark.jpg)
![Steven Click](images/Tableteers/tablet_Click.jpg)
![Tom Furtsch](images/Tableteers/tablet_Furtsch.jpg)
![Larry Goolsby](images/Tableteers/tablet_Goolsby.jpg)
![Scott Nortrup](images/Tableteers/tablet_Northrup.jpg)
![Jeff Plant](images/Tableteers/tablet_Plant.jpg)
![Sandi Smith](images/Tableteers/tablet_Smith.jpg)
![Gail Stearman](images/Tableteers/tablet_Stearman.jpg)
![Dan Swartling](images/Tableteers/tablet_Swartling.jpg)
![Holly Anthony](images/Tableteers/tablet_Holly.jpg)
![Ismet Anitsal](images/Tableteers/tablet_Anitsal.jpg)
2009-2010 Tablet Computing in Instruction Grant Program
Case StudiesThe Tablet Initiative began in 2004 for the purpose of igniting innovative ideas for techniques in learning through tablet technology across multiple disciplines of Tennessee Technological University. This project conceived by the Technology Institute with the cooperative support of the Extended Programs and Regional Development School of Interdisciplinary Studies and the office of the Provost has established a foundation of success in technological learning enhancement for higher education. The goal of quality instruction and innovation has not changed at TTU even with the severe budgetary uncertainty we are experiencing. We are pleased to be able to continue supporting faculty innovation in instruction with the 2009-2010 Tablet Computing in Instruction Grant Program.
The Technology Institute called for and received proposals from tenured and tenure-track faculty to incorporate tablet computing in instruction whose objective would be to embrace new and innovative technology to discover the possibilities of adapting these tools to present and future methods of instruction. The grant awards provide the faculty member the use of a Tablet PC for the 2009-2010 academic year with the ability to apply for renewal.
The Tablet grant proposals will be reviewed and awarded on a one-year renewable basis. The grants have the potential for renewal through the life of the awarded Tablet PC based on accomplishing the goals of the proposal and a continuation plan/application for renewal submitted at the end of each academic year.
Current case studies provide examples of past and current use of tablet technology by TTU faculty.