Robert Bell
Became the university's eighth president when he took
office on July 1, 2000. He joined the TTU faculty in
1976 as chairman of the Department of Managing and Marketing
after serving as Associate Professor and Director of
the Graduate Program in Personnel and Business Psychology
at the University of North Florida. He was named Assistant
Dean and Associate Dean before being named College of
Business Dean in 1991. |
Several of his
leadership appointments are listed below:
Charter member
of the Governor's Board of Directors for the Tennessee Quality
Four terms
on the Board of Examiners for the Malcolm Baldrige National
Quality Award
development consultant for the World Bank, chairing the Panel
of Judges for the National Quality Award of Mauritius, an island
nation in the Indian Ocean
by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce for outstanding service to
the nation as a quality examiner
State delegate
on a trade mission to Japan and a Tennessee representative at
the White House Conference on NAFTA
Member of
the national candidacy committee AACSB and the International
Association for Management Education
of the Southern Business Administration Association for Management
boards for Production and Inventory Management Journal and Advanced
Management Journal
of Florida, Business Administration, Ph.D. in 1972, Master's
degree in 1970, Bachelor's degree in 1969
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