River Flow and Quality



>303(d) Listed Streams

>Background Information


>Biological Assessment

>Hydrology and Watershed Modeling

>Land Use

>River Flow and Quality

Water Quality

>Constituent Data Files (Microsoft Excel)

>Constituent Water Quality Parameter Maps

>USGS Gauging Stations


>Water Quality Sites


The water quality and ecology of the Emory River Watershed are increasingly threatened by various anthropogenic activities, including municipal development, mining, oil exploration, and increasing water supply demands (Tennessee Paddle, 2005). The Emory Watershed covers an area of 2,250 km2 in the Cumberland, Morgan, and Roane Counties of Tennessee. Major water quality impacts of pollutants from nonpoint sources in the Emory River system include low dissolved oxygen, nutrients, and siltation (Abbott, 1982). Stream flows and quality have been affected also by the municipal point sources, land development, and dam construction in upstream Crossville, Tennessee (Tennessee Paddle, 2005). In addition, improper agricultural and forestry practices and the secondary impacts from the acid mine drainage have been major sources of pollution in the Emory River Watershed (Tennessee Paddle, 2005).