Water Quality Bibliography |
*Click those references with links to view abstracts of those works.
Craven, J. (1911). “Hypochlorite Treatment of the Omaha Water Supply.” Engineering Record.
Echols, K.R., W.G. Brumbaugh, C.E. Orazio, T.W. May, B.C. Poulton, and P.H. Peterman. (2008). “Distribution of Pesticides, PAHs, PCBs, and Bioavailable Metals in Depositional Sediments of the Lower Missouri River, USA.” Columbia Environmental Research Center. U.S.G.S., Columbia, MO, USA. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 55(2): 161-172.
Love, R.W., L.A. Young, and H.O. Hartung. (1986). "Water Quality in the Missouri River: Progress and prospects." Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 39(12): 1986-2007.
Marshall, F.H. (1911). “Water Treatment by Coagulation, Sedimentation and Hypochlorite Disinfection at Omaha, Nebraska.”
Mellama, W.J. (1986). "An Overview of Degradation, Aggradation, and Bank Erosion Trends on the Missouri River and Affected Tributaries." In Summary Proceedings Conference on Missouri River Streambed Degradation, Aggradation, and Bank Erosion, April 2-3, 1986, Missouri Basin States Association.
Mellama, W.J., and T.C. Wei. (1986). "Missouri River Aggradation and Degradation Trends." Pages 421-430 in Proceedings of the Fourth Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference. Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.
"Missouri River Region Daily River Bulletin." Downloaded June 1, 2010, at http://www.nwd-mr.usace.army.mil/rcc/reports/showrep.cgi?4BULL0MR1.
Missouri River Wastewater Treatment Plant. (2000). “City of Omaha Trickling Filter Improvement Project.” WEFTEC 2000, Annual Conference & Esposition on Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment, 73rd, Anaheim, CA.
Osterkamp, W.R., and E.R. Hedman. (1982). "Perennial Streamflow Characteristics Related to Channel Geometry and Sediment in Missouri River Basin." Professional Paper 1242. Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Petty, J.D., B.C. Poulton, C.S. Charbonneau, J.N. Huckins, S.B. Jones, J.T. Cameron, and H.F. Prest. (1998). "Determination of Bioavailable Contaminants in the Lower Missouri River Following the Flood of 1993." Environmental Science and Technology, 32(7): 837-842.
Sayre, W.W., and J.F. Kennedy (Eds.). (1978). "Degradation and Aggradation of the Missouri River." Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research IIHR Report No. 215." Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa. Available online at publications.iowa.gov/7885/1/degradation.pdf. Last accessed August 18, 2010.
Vogel, J.R., J.D. Frankforter, and D.L. Rus. (2009). “Organic Wastewater Compounds in Combined Sewer Overflows, Stormwater, and Receiving Streams in Omaha, Nebraska.” Nebraska Water Science Center, U.S.G.S., Lincoln, NE, USA.
Zelt, R.B., and J.D. Frankforter. (2003). “Water-Quality Assessment of the Central Nebraska Basins—Entering a New Decade." Downloaded July 8, 2010 at http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1001&context=usgspubs. |