The foundation of a web page is found nested inside the following tags.
My Web Page</title>

content here


Common Tags to Choose From samples

Opening Tag Description Closing Tag
<p> Defines a paragraph </p>
<br /> Defines a single line break opened and closed
<strong> Defines strong or bolded text </strong>
<h1> to <h6> Defines headers 1 thru 6 with h1 bein the largest and h6 being the smallest </h1> to </h6>
<blockquote> Defines a long quotation by indenting both left and right sides </blockquote>
<ol> Defines an ordered list. List items (<li>item</li>)are contained nested with the opening and closing tag. </ol>
<ul> Defines an unordered list. </ul>
<li> Defines a list item, which are nested within the ordered and unordered list tags. </li>
<dl> Defines a definition list. </dl>
<dt> Defines a definition term which are nested within the definition list tag. </dt>
<dd> Defines definition data, which are nested within the definition term tag. </dd>
<a> Defines an anchor to create a link to another document or a bookmark within the same document.
Ex. <a href="">TTU</a>
<table> Defines a table and can include table headers, table rows, table cells and other tables </table>
<address> Defines an address and usually renders in italic. </address>