Duck River Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement Future water supply needs in the Upper Duck River Basin TVA and the cooperating agencies have prepared this analysis and programmatic environmental impact statement (EIS) to document the evaluation of the need for water in the upper Duck River watershed over a 50-year planning period (up to the year 2050), to identify potential ways to meet any identified water need in part or all of this river basin, and to evaluate the environmental and socioeconomic impact of several possible ways to meet the future water needs within the basin. A needs analysis report, issued in August 1998, indicated that the minimum flow being provided by Normandy Dam is expected to meet the water supply and water quality control needs of the Bedford County and Marshall County water service areas throughout the study period. Future demand in the Maury/southern Williamson County water service area above 40 cfs (increasingly likely to occur after the year 2015) would have to be met from other water supply sources, which would have to be able to supply as much as 22 cfs of water by 2050. The four conceptual alternatives developed to meet this water supply need include two that could be implemented within the service area (a reservoir on Fountain Creek and a downstream intake on the Duck River), one that would affect other parts of the Duck River watershed (raising the Normandy pool level), and one that would affect an area outside of the Duck River Basin (a pipeline from Tims Ford Reservoir). TVA is not proposing to design or construct any of the facilities proposed in the alternatives; however, as a regional water resource agency, TVA can assist in evaluating available alternatives and encourage cooperation among all communities that are dependent on common water resources. Documents The following documents provide an extract and the complete text of the environmental impact statement (PDF files, require Adobe Acrobat Reader ). Extract (282 kb) This document gives an overview of the EIS, summarizing the background, purpose of the study, and alternatives considered. Complete text This is the entire environmental impact statement, divided into the following sections for faster downloading. * Abstract, Executive Summary, and Table of Contents (115 kb) Includes lists of tables and exhibits. * Chapter 1: Introduction (1 mb) Background, the decisions to be made, and the scoping process. * Chapter 2: Needs Analysis (1.1 mb) A summary of the information included in the water supply needs analysis for the upper Duck River basin. * Chapter 3: Alternatives (1.8 mb) How the water supply alternatives were developed, each alternative evaluated in detail, and a summary of their potential environmental effects. * Chapter 4: Affected Environment (584 kb) A systematic description of the existing environmental features within the study area. * Chapter 5: Environmental Consequences (184 kb) A description of the potential effects on those features that could occur if each alternative was built. * Chapter 6: Supporting Information (97 kb) Lists of preparers of this text, a glossary of terms, and the references used in this evaluation. * Appendix A (79 kb) Detailed information about water quality. * Appendix B (594 kb) Detailed information about aquatic life. * Appendix C (210 kb) Detailed information about endangered and threatened species. * Appendix D (426 kb) The public and agency comments that were received concerning the draft EIS and TVA responses to those comments. * Appendix E (110 kb) Results of Endangered Species and National Historic Preservation Act consultations. To request a printed copy of the environmental impact statement, send an e-mail request to , attn. Linda B. Oxendine. In the Subject line, type "Upper Duck EIS Print Copy." Please include your postal mailing address.