To show and then play a movie, click on the arrow or the movie title/description. Repeat to hide it.
Exploration 1 STEP 1: Laser tank filled with AIR
Exploration 1 STEPS 2-3: Laser at 50 deg angle and adding water
Exploration 1 STEP 5: Laser starts in AIR and strikes WATER along normal
Exploration 1 STEP 6: Test later in Exploration 3 using Simulation
Exploration 1 STEP 7: AIR-WATER: Rotating laser between 0 and 90 degrees
Exploration 1 STEP 8: Laser tank filled with WATER
Exploration 2 STEP 1: No change in speed
Exploration 2 STEP 1: Head-on - Change in speed
Exploration 2 STEP 2: Change in speed - Angled boundary
Exploration 2 STEP 3: Change in speed - encountering boundary at angle
Exploration 2 STEP 4: In order to hear the sound, you will need to watch this video individually or turn on Closed Captions.
Exploration 2 STEP 4: In order to hear the sound, you will need to watch this video individually or turn on Closed Captions
Exploration 2 STEP 4: Simulation of Reflection and Refraction using Huygens' principle
You should be able to run this yourself! Click on the image below and follow the instructions in the activity.
Exploration 3: Bending Light
This simulator is one of many developed by the Physics Education Technology (PhET)group ) at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
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