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Exploration #1, STEP 2: Testing a force plate by pushing against a wall.
Exploration #1, STEP 3a: Measuring forces between same size people pushing on each other.
Exploration #1, STEP 3b: Measuring forces between different size people pushing on each other.
Exploration #1, STEP 3c: Measuring forces while smaller person pushes and bigger person resists.
Exploration #1, STEP 3d: Measuring forces while bigger person pushes and smaller person braces against a wall.
Exploration #2, STEP 2: Measuring forces while moving cart collides with stationary cart of equal mass.
Exploration #2, STEP 3B: Measuring forces while moving cart collides with stationary cart of equal mass at higher speed.
Exploration #2, STEP 3C: Measuring forces while moving cart collides with stationary cart of higher mass.
Exploration #2, STEP 3D: Measuring forces during head-on collision between carts of equal mass.
Exploration #2, STEP 3E: Measuring forces during rear-end collision between carts of equal mass.
Exploration #3, STEP 2a: Measuring forces between carts while they are pushed at approximately constant velocity.
Exploration #3, STEP 2b: Measuring forces between carts while they are pushed at increasing velocity.
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