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Exploration #1, STEP 2: Wooden block sliding to a stop on narrow and wide faces (different contact areas)
Exploration #2, STEP 2: Wooden block sliding to a stop on narrow and wide faces (different contact areas)
Exploration #2, STEP 2: Wood block launched across a smooth tabletop
Exploration 2, STEP 2: Wood block launched across a smooth tabletop
Exploration #2, STEP 2: Wood block launched across sandpaper
Exploration 2, STEP 2: Wood block launched across sandpaper
Exploration #3, STEP 2: Friction cart slowed by friction pad pressing lightly on track
Exploration #3, STEP 3: Increasing the strength of the frictional force that slows a cart
Exploration #4, STEP 1: Measuring the force needed to push block across table at constant speed without and with someone pushing down on it
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