The individual frames that were used to create this image were taken on Nov. 5, 2024. with a Celestron C8 telescope and a ZWO ASI294MC-P camera. No filters were used. Guiding was done using a Celestron Off-Axis Guider (OAG) connected to a ZWO ASI174MM camera which made corrections to the mount positioning every 3 seconds. Software called KStars/Ekos controlled all of the components of the telescope and mount remotely from its interface. The individual frames had exposures of 60 seconds each, which was chosen so as to not saturate the brighter stars in the frame. Twenty-three such frames were taken.
Software called SiriL was used to calibrate and process the images. This involved first correcting the individual frames for electronic and thermal noise, and for the non-uniform response of the telescope/camera system. The individual frames were then stacked (averaged) into one image that was then color calibrated and stretched to reveal the details.