These images were taken on November 2nd using a ZWO ASI 294MC camera on a Celestron C8 telescope which was mounted to a Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro. We used an Optalong L-Enhance filter to help filter light pollution and get a clearer image.
In order to get this image of the Wizard Nebula, I took 46 of the 50 pictures and compiled is Siril. I used dark, flat, and dark-flat frames to remove noise caused by heat, dust, or electronics. While taking these pictures, a plane flew right through the path of the telescope so I had to remove that image because it left a huge line through the center. After stacking the images I used an asinh transformation and a histogram stretch in order to bring out the color. As seen in this image, the Wizard Nebula produceses a lot of red light. Can you spot the wizard?