These images were taken using a Celestron C8 telescope with a Schmidt-Cassegrain reflector mounted on a Skywatcher EQ6-R telescope mount. The camera used to do the imaging was a ZWO ASI 294MC-Pro that was cooled to -10°C to reduce thermal noise. A Celestron Off-Axis Guider was used with a ZWO ASI173MM uncooled camera for guiding during the imaging process. An Optalong L-Enhance tri-narrow filter was used to transmit only Ha, Hb, and OIII wavelengths of light to eliminate stray light from light pollution and sky glow to provide a high contrast image of the nebula. All of the equipment was controlled using the Ekos imaging suite and a total of twenty-five 180 second exposure images were taken.
Processing of the images was done using SiriL to stack the images to reduce the signal-to-noise ratio of the image before doing a photometric color calibration. After color calibrating, both an asinh (inverse hyperbolic sine) and histogram stretching was completed to bring out the nebula in the final image.