Visible in this image is the Western portion of the Veil Nebula, also known as the
“Witch’s Broom”, “Filamentary Nebula”, or “Lacework Nebula”. Its official classification is NGC 6960, which refers specifically to this Western section of the larger Veil Nebula, which has several NGC numbers assigned to different parts of this vast deep sky object. In the image, you can see several wispy strands of dust and particulate matter which form half of the roughly ring-like shape of the Veil Nebula. Towards the bottom edge of the photo you can also spot a bright star known as 52 Cyngi: a red giant with an apparent magnitude of 4.22.
In order to capture this image, we used a WO Z103 telescope with a WO 6AIII. For
the sensor, we decided on the ZWO ASI 294MC-P. On top of that, we also used a H-alpha
narrowband filter to cut out some of the background noise. There was also a small guide
camera that we used in conjunction
The processing for this photo was done with SiriL - both for pre- and post-processing.
Afterwards, minor adjustments were made to color and contrast using Microsoft Photos.