This image was taken over the course of two nights (Nov. 8 and 9) with a WO Z61 telescope, an ASI294MC camera, and a dual narrowband filter (Ha +OIII) to help cut out the light from the nearly full moon. A guide camera was also used to help the telescope track along with the moving night sky. NINA- an astrophotography software- controlled all of the components of the telescope remotely from its interface. It was necessary to split the photography session into two nights because the telescope failed to perform a meridian flip and unplugged one of the wires that connected all of the components of the telescope together in a circuit to the computer. The photographs had exposures of 180 seconds. Thirteen images were taken on the first night and seven on the second.
In order to preprocess and postprocess the images taken, I used software called SiRiL. I had to stack the photographs into one image and remove the electronic and thermal noise from the stacked image. Once a “clean” image was created, it was possible to color calibrate and stretch the image such that it was no longer a greyscale image.