Tennessee Tech | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Computer Engineering Program (BSCmpE)

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Degree (BSCmpE)
Curriculum - Effective Fall 2017

Freshman - Fall
ENGL 1010 Writing I 3
MATH 1910 Calculus I 4
CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I 4
ECE 1020 Connections to Electrical & Computer Engineering1 1
Soc/Beh Sci Elec2 ________________ 3
Total 15
Freshman - Spring
ENGL 1020 Writing II 3
MATH 1920 Calculus II 4
MATH 2010 Matrix Algebra 3
CSC 1300 Intro. to Problem Solving & Computer Programming 4
Total 14
Sophomore - Fall
ENGL 2130, 2235 or 2330 Literature 3
MATH 2120 Differential Equations 3
PHYS 2110 Calculus-based Physics I w/Lab. 4
CSC 1310 Data Structures & Algorithms 4
ECE 2010 Electric Circuits I 3
ECE 2011 Electrical Engineering Lab. I 1
Total 18
Sophomore - Spring
MATH 2110 Calculus III 4
CSC 2400 Design of Algorithms 3
PHYS 2120 Calculus-based Physics II w/Lab. 4
ECE 2001 Computer Aided Engr. in ECE 1
ECE 2020 Electric Circuits II 3
ECE 2110 Intro. to Digital Systems 3
Total 18
Junior - Fall
COMM 2025 or PC 2500 Communication 3
ECE 3010 Signals & Systems 3
ECE 3060 Electrical Engineering Lab. II 1
ECE 3130 Microcomputer Systems 4
ECE 3160 Digital Systems Lab. 1
ECE 3300 Electronics I 3
CSC 2500 Unix Lab. 1
Total 16
Junior - Spring
ECE 3020 Discrete-Time Signals & Systems 3
ECE 3920 Professional Issues in ECE 1
ECE 4140 Embedded System Design 3
MATH 3470 Intro. Probability & Statistics 3
CSC 4200 Computer Networks 3
EE Lab. Elec3 ________________ 1
Hum/Fine Arts Elec2 ________________ 3
Total 17
Senior - Fall
ECE 4961 Capstone Design I 3
ECE 4110 Digital System Design 3
CS Elec3 ________________ 3
EE Elec3 ________________ 3
EE Lab. Elec3 ________________ 1
Soc/Beh Sci Elec2 ________________ 3
Total 16
Senior - Spring
ECE 4971 Capstone Design II 3
ECE 4120 Fundamentals of Computer Design 3
CSC 4100 Operating Systems 3
CmpE Elec3 ________________ 3
Hum/Fine Arts Elec2 ________________ 3
Total 15

Grand Total: 129 Hours


(1) This course not included in 128-hour curriculum.

(2) Select from University approved list.

(3) Select from electives list, below.

Course descriptions are in the Undergraduate Catalog.


The electives list is on another page.

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering / Tennessee Technological University / Cookeville, Tennessee, U.S.A.