
Ok. Any closing [remarks]?


I just think to amplify on Jack’s third point there; Finding what you do well: I think that’s critically important. We see that in niche companies that they grow up to slay giants. Microsofts that slay IBMs and CISCOs that grow up and whatnot. If you find the right niche; the one that stays on shore then you don’t have to worry about going offshore. And that’s a very real part of our strategy in Johnson City is making sure that the customers and the products that we pursue to build are the ones that won’t lend themselves to going offshore at any time.

So what I think I’m hearing there is that both strategic and operational issues can both be effective weapons in this kind of competition. But, as I think Jack was emphasizing, that the perspective from a company that has that footprint across the world it’s a very different issue and I think as probably in that sense a richer issue. And probably at the local level it plays out in many different ways depending upon cost structures and so on.