
Have either of you seen anything that you would tend to attribute to any buyer resistance around the world. Sort of an anti America flavor to it based on what you’ve seen so far or is it pretty much the business changes are pretty much in the noise and you couldn’t really say much can’t say anything at this point. There was a brand implication


Someone talking: I’m seeing pretty much noise in terms of overall aggregate levels. There are some places were by US government direction we don’t do business and that kind of thing. So we certainly follow those but as I said earlier we are pretty much a global company so we have our infer structure reaches in a lot of places. So I think people perceive us as being locally friendly and not just a US company a big difference in our company is that we consciously put emphasis on the HP brand because that is an asset we want to leverage and in fact we have increased the brand value measured by others over the last couple of years and we will probably stay with that strategy

Speaker: Ok

Mary: can I say one thing

Speakers: yea sure Mary

Mary: because I want to talk about just briefly experiences in Central and South America because that’s where I am now and this is my experience and that’s all I’m saying. Individually, they are like us, you and me, but as the respect level right now the terrorism issue and a number of things is really very sensitive throughout that area a number and I was reading recently in some of the business publications its the issue of its just as easy to be perceived as Canadian as an American. So you identify yourself as a North American so it is, it is the global issue you’re not when you say I’m from the US or I’m American. Well they’re American to their Central American, their South American and that type of thing, feeling some of the impact of the whole terrorism issue and whether we might be trying to drive policies in other areas. It’s very pervasive in some of that so what you see is a real issue again back to the travel of whether it’s the protection, the security services, or if its some of the threats with that. We are again, just kind of like what David said they see CNN, they see the web, and so it’s not always friendly corporately as it is individually

Speaker: Mary do you see it taking on a full on buyer resistance for U.S. made products.

Mary: I see some evidence of that, its not pervasive but I really do see some evidence of that. I think that much of that will get beyond after the election whatever happens but I’ve got to tell you that the US election and this whole process has major impact, major political impacts in Costa Rice and Panama. Major Impacts. We are toppling former presidents and legislators because of those particular issues that from their cultural stand point Costa Rica doesn’t have a standing army. They just abandoned that so how they are struggling. With some of those issues.