Tang: The message I want to leave to you is that we really want to do fundamentally better job in product development. For example, it is really offensive me that Toyota and Honda are the one that build the green cars. Wait a minutes! Who invent the industry in the first place? Ford! Who was the biggest company that has 60% or 70% of dominated share of car market when I was about your age? It was GM. What happened? Maybe we are falling sleep. I mean we need to do better in the product development. You look at these, these are the two studies about the successful rate of new product that have been developed. Regardless which studies you are believing in, from one of the research, it says that about 10% of new product that created only 10% of those are succeeding in the market.90% don't make it or fails or must be sustainable products. So the investment is highly enough productive. What is even also really quite interesting is 46% of resources are allocated to product development, a really you might want to say, a treasure because they are produced for products which are not financial successful or market success. So we really need to do a better job in product development, so that is what I feel passion about. So what's product development? Product development is really just a process that begins with the recognition of the need in the market. Somebody has the need that is not satisfied. And somebody has the concept and the idea about how it can be satisfied. And then from the concept then you perceive to try to come up with really the design and the engineering and the manufacturing in volumes of art effect to satisfy their needs. You think about almost any products that you have tooth brush, the need that anybody want to keep their teeth, so the art effect is the tooth brush, the need is to get from point A to point B with gradual convenient, so the art effect is a car. Traditionally, within cycle Indian when the product release to manufacturing, we used to think product development at that point is to release to manufacturing. That is not long a good thinking. Because in fact product development extends all the way what I was told yesterday worded from worm to tomb. The buzz word in business is end to end then until the product gets retired. Let me give you an example, a few years back, Ford tires, For SUV somehow fell apart, and For SUV and Korean car were into un-convenient link accidents. Who is held responsible? For doesn't build tires. Ford buys tires from different manufacturing. But when it comes to you as a buyer over Ford vehicle, who do you hold responsible when your tires go bad? Hold Ford responsible as you should. Product development doesn't end when you are part of the engineering ends with the manufacturing and release on sales. It really until the whole product, then you have the e responsible for the whole thing. I consider the product development ending when the product retires when it has to be maintained by the company produced it or somebody else unless you are successful in that way, you really cannot be very successful to satisfy customers.